Get Involved In Your Rehabilitation

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident or have a chronic soft-tissue injury, such as shoulder, neck or back pain, you would likely benefit from an active rehabilitation program.

One of the benefits of this form of treatment is that it allows you to become actively involved in your recovery. The program emphasizes education to enable you to continue exercising properly and independently, while improving your overall health. Increasingly, doctors are recommending this type of therapy to patients with soft-tissue injuries, as the treatment is effectively personalized to suit the individual’s needs. Active rehabilitation is also a highly cost-effective form of treatment, as a patient is able to continue their therapy independently long after the program has come to an end.

Active rehabilitation programs are lead and supervised by a qualified physiotherapist or kinesiologist, who begins by assessing the client to determine their specifics needs, limitations and physical capabilities. Programs can be performed in a gym, pool or at home, and consist of an individualized exercise prescription combining stretching, core stability and strengthening techniques. Active rehabilitation programs work to restore range of motion and address postural mechanics, muscular imbalances and limited flexibility.

Though each active rehabilitation program is tailored to the individual’s needs, the common goal is to return the client to normal function. Active rehabilitation programs are highly successful in enabling clients to return to work, get back on a sports team after an injury or simply resume activities of daily living, as they are progressive and easily modified, if necessary. These programs often include work-simulation exercises and functional activities, which effectively prepare the client for a return to their pre-injury lifestyle.

A common misconception with active therapy is that exercise should be avoided to prevent further aggravation of an in injury, when in fact the opposite is true. Monitored, controlled exercise is healthy way of strengthening muscles to speed up recovery and prevent reinjury. Dr. Stephen Hoschuler, co-founder and orthopedic surgeon with the Texas Back Institute write, “Controlled gradual and progressive exercise, rather than inactivity and bed rest most often provides the best long-term solution for reducing back pain.” You may initially experience some discomfort upon beginning an active rehabilitation program; however, this is a normal part of recovery, and you will begin to see positive results and ultimately improve your physical well being with continued and consistent effort.

The guidance of a kinesiologist throughout your program will ensure that you are not only performing your routines properly, but will also provide you with the motivation and structure necessary for a successful return to normal function and continued involvement in a healthier lifestyle.

Karp Rehabilitation is an active rehabilitation program specializing with soft-tissue injury rehabilitation. For more information call 604.420.7800.